The Department of Biology


The Department of Biology in the School of Education at Waseda University was established in 1964, and has produced many talented researchers and teachers, among other professionals. Currently, in 2019, the department comprises eight laboratories, covering various fields of biology from ecology at the macrolevel to molecular genetics at the microlevel. Research topics include not only botany and zoology, but also microbiology and basic human medicine.


The research facility is located in the Center for Advanced Biomedical Sciences (TWIns) of Waseda University, which is located in Wakamatsu-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo. In our department, 4th year undergraduates, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, research associates, lecturers, and many researchers from external institutes participate in research. Undergraduate students from the 1st to the 3rd year attend lectures, seminars, and laboratory classes mainly at Waseda campus located in Totsuka-machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo. Thus, faculty members get to Waseda campus and back.


The department had originally been expected to become part of the "School of Science" (but not School of Science and Engineering). According to this conception, obtaining a teaching certificate is not a graduation requirement in the School of Education at Waseda University. Graduates of our program are properly qualified to become junior and senior high school teachers if one has enough credits, as well as to advance to graduate school to become researchers. In addition, many of our graduates work for biomedical companies or have become civil servants.

Students who become members of the Department of Biology at Waseda University will obtain a broad knowledge of basic biology, engage in advanced research studies, and be prepared for a variety of challenging and exciting occupations.

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